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COVID-19 Sucker Punch

COVID-19 Sucker Punch

Each of us will have a memory of which day it hit us like a sucker punch to the gut that Covid-19 had arrived and it was going to be nasty. For basketball fans, March 11th was the day. It was the following day for hockey fans. For Vancouverites it was the stunning announcement that St. Patrick’s Day in the city was cancelled.

And that was the beginning, and now it is our reality. On that note…welcome to our blog at Roaster Central! Grim memories, right? All to say that those first few days in March was the beginning of waiting, adapting, changing, shifting, pivoting…for everyone. The Pandemic forced us into a new way of living, and our business was no exception. We love coffee; we love people who love coffee, and damnit we’re going to keep waving the ‘specialty coffee’ flag high and proud.

For over two years now, Roaster Central has been delighting coffee lovers by offering them a unique coffee tasting and buying experience. We have adapted to the new reality by offering a completely ‘at home’ way to discover and purchase absolutely gorgeous craft coffee, roasted by small-batch, for the most part, local roasters.

We continue to welcome you in-store too, with all the Covid safety precautions, of course. If you’re a regular customer – thank you. If you’re just discovering the world of specialty roasted coffee, then we’d be thrilled to be your guide. There’s so much to learn when you’re discovering anything new, and coffee is no different.

The pandemic has obviously affected where and how we enjoy our coffee. Less take-out, more at-home brewing, in fact a new report from the Coffee Association of Canada (yes, it’s a thing) says that the percentage of folks who made coffee at home was up 12% over a year ago.

We welcome your engagement on the blog; in particular we’d love to answer any coffee/brewing related questions. What kind of topics are you interested in? Do you want a deep dive into the state of the industry? – maybe a bit dry for some, but there are some cool stories popping up about how coffee farms and harvesting have had to adapt this year.

Keep in touch, and we’ll cover all kinds of fun coffee stuff with you, and pardon our giddiness…we just love this stuff!

Till next time,

Your friends at Roaster Central.

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