Puly Caff Cleaning Detergent Powder - 10 Pack (200g)
- Description
Brewing the perfect cup of espresso starts with making sure your machine is clean and well-maintained. But between the coffee oils and grease that accumulate, it can be a lot of hard work keeping on top of it. This is where Puly Caff Cleaning Detergent Powder comes in. It's specifically designed to remove any built-up residue in your espresso machine's group head, ensuring delicious flavor and improved beverage quality every time.
Puly Caff is easy to use: just mix one tablespoon into four liters of lukewarm water in a 1 liter Brix cup and backflush the group head thoroughly. The powder quickly breaks down any built-in residue, eliminating any nasty flavors that could pollute your next brew. And not only that, but it will also help to extend the life of your machine, meaning no more costly repair bills--score!